Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines not....

No, I still don't celebrate Valentines.... Actually, to be honest you don't get much of a feel of Valentine's here. As in, U don't see red and pink streamers, balloons, ribbons or heart shaped decorations everywhere you walk, you don't see special promotions from the restaurant and all, no many couples holding hands or gift shops specials and all. Okay, maybe there's a few gift shop, lingerie shop that are on offers, but seriously, other than that, it's quite dead.

Summer is almost coming to an end here, 2 or 3 more weeks before autumn comes. Well, i guess i better enjoy the sun while i can still have it. I am getting tanned, and i miss Malaysian food, and the broken english back home, miss adding malay into everything we say....Well, neways this blog is pointless.

Did i mentioned that Esprit and Roxy here is cheap? I saw a Roxy purse that's only 10AUD, converting it back, it'll be like 30 bucks for a Roxy purse. Esprit purses are only 20AUD, just let me know when you find a 60 ringgit Esprit purse in Malaysia k... Damn, and the bags here are nice too. Poh got a bag with only 18AUD, good quality too. I need to start earning my own cash before i start spending uneccessarily. God bless me!

Oh, there's this show called "The Big Bang Theory" it's a good show. A bit retarded as well (i am not suggesting that i am), House is on as well, I need to stop being in such a relax mood, classes are officially starting next week, i need to get my drive back on. Hopefully, I'll get to meet some nice people.

Pic of the day:

0 shoot me!: