Saturday, February 16, 2008

Little did I know, I've been here in Aussie for almost 2 weeks already. Somehow, Aussie is beginning to feel a little like home,perhaps that's because I've been here once already, perhaps I have a good company here (Thanks Poh!), or it could be the fact that the people here are generally quite friendly, heck I even manage to get into friendly squables with Rick (the youngest son of my homestay auntie).

Oh, did I mentioned that the surroundings here are...How should I put this? How about a house near the river? Yea, there's a river here, the area here is quite peacefull and quiet, it's rather different from the hustle bustle of KL. Not that, I'm complaining, but I say, I rather enjoy this kind of lifestyle. This I can get use to. Mind, the river is a beautiful, not the "big longkang in Malaysia", there's actually jelly fishes and I'm quite sure living fishes in the water, not dead ones as they would be in Malaysia.

Told you there's a jelly fish, there's ducks too!

I should say, it's rather good to have a friend along this journey. Poh has been a great company nevertheless. She's rather, i said rather, eccentric, but then again so am I. She's a good shopping kaki nevetheless, she should get to know Min. Besides, I need to butter her up, since I'm gonna be stuck with her for the next 2 years (actually it's the other way round, SHE'S gonna be stuck with me for the next 2 years!). I think staying with me has taken affect on her, I mean, she's starting to talk like me...Haha...I know I'm influencial. Okay, don't wanna praise her no more, she'll get perasan la.

Oh, tha's me and Poh, freezing our a** off while waiting for the bus, that took one hour to be here.....

0 shoot me!: