Friday, February 22, 2008

Classes again...

Did i ever mentioned that i dun like having classes on Friday? I really hate classes during Friday. The fact that most people are taking my major as a G.E does not help one bit...

It also doesn't help that people here are much more socialble than I am, I mean, i can never walk to a complete stranger and conjure an interesting topic out of no-where and start chatting to him/her like we have known each other for decades. I have this feeling that, my life would be different if I were to be brought up here, not that i am complaining that my life in Malaysia wasn't good enough. But somehow, people here just seem so confident that it hurts. Arrgh! Where do you people get all this confidence, spare me some cause i could really use some!

Going to Uni is like dragging a body and legs that isn't really mine, it feels like my body is being tied down with an anvil that cost a thousand kg's. I really dread going to Uni...I think it's save to say that the only classes that i look forward to are Acting & Production. Oh, that reminds me i still haven't sign up for my societies, i think i'll drop the Malaysian Society guy an email.

The classes are not easy either, it's not the lecturers or the accent. Infact, understanding them is quite easy but it's the reading that's hard. Is it me or does this happen to everyone cause i feel like i am reading some research journal where two scholars are talking and i dun get what they are trying to say. My course is easy to pass, cause there's no exam, but I shudder to think what is the second year units are going to be like. I chosed this subject therefore i have no complaints about it, and i have to go through all these no matter what. Hopefully all these problems are just a passing phase. Maybe once i get to make some friends here in Uni i'll get better, hopefully once i get a hang of things here in Uni i'll be able to act freely.....Ahhhh, all the hopes! When are they all gonna come through....

There's this guy name Ken, who happens to be a relative of my homestay auntie. His family is here for his graduation ceremony. I wish i am in his place. Graduated, have a job, confident, comfortable....

Arrgh, i feel so angry at myself for having all these thoughts, i mean after all my parents did pour out half (or maybe more) of their life savings to send me here. I just feel so out of place here, i wish i am back in my comfort zone. At least then i know what i am doing.... I wish i can go back to high school where i have a bunch of friends that could back me up whenever i am feeling down. Cause everyone is now scattered across half of the continent. I guess what i am trying to say here is that i miss all my friends.... and that i miss home.

2 shoot me!:

Liz said...

Hey gal...

Don't beat yourself up too much. Those feelings are natural. It takes time to adjust to a new environment, what more a completely different country where people have a different accent?

Took me some time before i was confident speaking in front of anybody. I must say that my gym job helped increase my confidence tremendously.. but ultimately, it's you yourself. Keep your head high. You know you are a person of substance. A person who is interesting and has many ideas to share. Don't look down on yourself!!

Hope you feel better... Enjoy every moment, both good and the bad. The bad moments just signify something EVEN better in the future...



Win said...

Good advise Liz, will keep that in mind! Thanks Lizzie!