Tuesday, February 12, 2008

These are normal....

The everyday's to do list in Perth Australia,

  1. Get sun-tanned, regardless you want it or not
  2. Get harrassed by houseflies, maybe dessert flies or watever you call them here, cause they are so damn annoying!
  3. Walking really long distance, that's like exercise for me, not bad if the weather is not so hot!
  4. Meeting old folks and talking to them, cause that's the only thing you can do when u spend hours waiting for a good damn bus!
  5. Eating rabbit food, whether you wan it or not. Auntie fancies eating lotsa green, so well... I need to get use to this one.
  6. Stuffing a whole bread into a container, even though you know it won't fit, even though you know it won't look appetizing. But, that's what you have to do when you want to save some mullah!

    Our pathetic lunch, but it taste quite good actually....honest, swear to God!

  7. Train your brain to do quick math, cause you will need to do some serious calculating when you see a very nice bag, or some very delicious food. Cause, roti canai don't cause 5 bucks in Malaysia!
  8. But at the same time, you need to have the ability to turn off the calculator in your head, cause if you try to convert everything, you will end up having sandwich everyday; apparently that's the cheapest thing i could find.
  9. Get used to mispronounciation in cantonese, cause that's what Rick does...Long story
  10. Get used to unexpected burst out laughter from my housemate Poh, actually i dun think i can get used to that...Is it something i said?

Well, at least we know what to expect in a day to day life in Australia....

Here's where I live, not too shabby I would say, I really don;t mind having a house like that in future.....

0 shoot me!: