Thursday, May 21, 2009


Australia's Weatherman has been slacking off lately, giving empty hopes and broken promises of rain for the past few weeks. And then, he promised rain again... but this time he guaranteed that there would be rain...

It's Autumn here in Perth, normally by this time, there will be plenty rain fall, people will be don with raincoats and knee high boots. Umbrellas are useless here, no one wants to end of like Marry Poppins *flying in the sky* albeit by the strong winds, not magic...

The sky has been gloomy for the past few days, the promised rain did not come. WA was let down once again... And then it came, with violent gushes of winds and a huge downpour. Ahhh, this one is a late comer, what a way to make an entrance. But no matter, we are all happy to see it come. It's been a month since there is any rain fall in Perth. Welcome home.

For me, I like gloomy days and I like heavy downpours; that is when I am contently sitting in my room watching as rain drops pelt at my window. The sound of rain drops falling seems to calm me for some reason. For one thing, I am warm and safe, not wet and cold. I love rainy seasons when it does not involve me.

0 shoot me!: