Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Win is bored, Win's got work tomorrow morning..But Win can't get to sleep no matter how hard she tries, but Win has to wake up quite early tomorrow.

Win is prolly having too much chocolate that is giving her sugar high, thus not being able to sleep. Win also found out that not only do oven cleaner smells really bad, they hurt the skin of her hand really bad too!

Win is going back to Uni in a weeks time, Win is not sure whether she is looking forward to it or not, cause for one thing WIn is DEFINITELY not looking forward to waking up at 6 in the morning for a mandatory lecture, but Win knows she has no choice since Win can't get everything she wants in life. What to do!

Neways, Win's friend is going back to KL tomorrow and Win might as well wish him a safe trip here (to make the blog longer, since Win has got nothing much to say already), eventhough Win knows that he might not read it, never mind la hor! Win wishes him a safe and enjoyable trip, and hopefully by the next time she meets him he might be able to speak proper mandarin not some random lines, so there.

0 shoot me!: