Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When everything goes wrong....

Haih, I dun think the weather here agrees with my skin, let alone me....It's either too hot, too cold, too windy or too dry. I really dun like the weather here, fullstop.

The breakouts on my face is unfortunately not giving me a break, it's still continuing...Don't know what did i do wrong, what should I do to make it up to you skin? Can't you just go a little easy on me? Aren't you tired of the never ending inflamation, sores and pain? I think what I need is a good facial to officially clear everything off my face, but alas facial requires money the last thing I feel like doing is spending more money....Not after the last splurge (Win's got a new iPod plus a dock! *whoots*) That's the plus bit in my life now....

I am not particularly enjoying my classes as well, not when there is a freaking test every week for every single unit. Sure, they say don't be too stress about, don't study too hard (yea right!), but how can you do well in a test if you don't study! I also realize juggling a part time job while studing can be quite tedious, I absolutely salute those who manage to do it, seriously! I suck at time management, although I would say it could be worst, at least I still manage to get everything done. Maybe, I am just not use to filling up every second of my time by having something to do. Afterall, I DID spent six months at home doing nothing, ok, that is nothing to be proud of... Live life to the fullest. That USED to be my motto, not so sure now, not when life is full to the brim and on the verge of over flowing...Life and reality hits back more than what I asked for.

However, the units that I am taking did some what give me another insights to life, fueling my cynacalism towards (Hmmm, not sure if that is a good thing, but i can live with that), in a sense I am critically thinking of everything thing now. The world is such an interesting place with all the ironies of man made theories made to confuse our already complicated life...As if life itself s not hard enough to understand already, scholars actually burden themselves to actually theorize and label everything under the sun, oh let's not leave out the spiritual thinkings and what nots. But, come to think about it, if those people have not done that, I would not be studying this unit now, would I. So, curse them or bless them?

All these theories is getting to confuse me....The only reason I am even up at this hour is because of the caffeine (did I spelt that right), was trying to keep myself awake to study, but I couldn't take coffee, so I settled for 2 tea bags instead. The caffeine did not kick in when it's suppose to and now when I wanted to sleep, let's just say I did a very good job of keeping myself awake at unearthly hours.... Thank God, classes only starts at noon tomorrow.

Last note, this has got to be the longest blog I have written in months, and I promise to shower the next one with pictures to let it do the talking instead of all these textual readings. Meanwhile, knock yourself out on this one.

0 shoot me!: