Saturday, October 6, 2007

A series of Unfortunate Events...

Bah, if i have to say so myself i have had better days...

I was trying to download Bleach episode for the not-sure-cause-i-lost-count-times, and steeeewpeeeed Ares had to do this to me! It disable my download accelerator, bah! I hate Ares, i will never again download Ares, but i so need to get music files, where? Kazaa is too slow and corrupted, Morpheus is not what i like...what to do, what to do!

To make matter worst, who would have thought that by visiting the dentist one would end up losing 4 teeth! No, i dun have a cavity (ok, maybe one). That is not the reason why she wanted to extract all my wisdom teeth! All 4 of them! Why! WHY!

Then, to top things up, i have no gate and no doors at my house now, cause some fella made the wrong measurement for our door, in other words we need a new door which have to wait till next week...My mum nagging everyday does not make things easier everyday...Arrgh! i cannot take this anymore, i am going to go crazy!!!!

3 shoot me!:

Pei-Wen said...

heylo.. just wanna wish you a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! my internet was down the whole 2 days so i couldnt wish u on time!! but i hope u have a blast!!

btw : ur blog could use some pictures and more frequent updates u noe!!

Jun said...

they say dentists are sadists at heart ;> ooh was it ur bday? happy belated one!

Win said...

i will put pics on my blog as soon as i can get a new camera. I will only update when i am "inspired or motivated"; in other words when i am not too lazy! Oh, and my condolences on your Ipod.

Oh, yes Jun i agree, i totally agree..,*shudders*