Sunday, September 23, 2007

Malaysians are courteous....

They always say that, because we , Malaysians are a courteous lot... Well, some of us are, most of the time Malaysians choose to be courteous when it is for their benefit, most of the time we are "mind our own business" lot.

A few cases are here to show how courteous we are exactly, this happen quite some time ago, I was at the LRT station with a friend, the place was pact so naturally there's no place left for us to the next stop an old lady came in, she stood in front of a young man, quite close to me, the reaction was instant almost spontaneous, guess what the man did....He shuts his eyes and sleep! So much for passing on the burden and the courteous act to a pregnant lady, she stood up and offer the seat to the old lady.

The next one happen when i was having breakfast with my dad and brothers, we were at The Little Dim Sum Place, we sat a a table facing the car park, as usual there's a lot of double parking, eventhough there are plenty of places to park, Malaysians think highly of their legs, i mean, if we could walk a shorter distance why not? So, this fella, was about to leave when he ntice that his car was blocked by another, and what does one do? Horn of course...The man sounded his horn for almost 5 minutes. The driver of the car that's blocking him is probably enjoying his breakfast to care, so the angry driver was left blasting his horn until the car next to him drove off.

This one happen all the time, people parking at places that are meant to be left empty, places reserved for emergency; and of course lets not forget the convenience of the emergency lane when there's traffic jams nearby!

And so the saying goes, because we Malaysians are courteous! nice....

1 shoot me!:

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that guy on the LRT pretended to sleep...

Neways, i joined the anime society! Haha. I haven't actually decided to go for the meetings yet, but they keep raving about how good FMA (full metal alchemist) is. I haven't seen it, so my friend feels that it's his responsibility to make sure i watch it!!

Oh, and about 1/2 life, i don't know how to play it. I just have an account.... haha. when you figure it out, let me know too!! LOL