Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rock bottom

Was talking to my dad the other day, I was telling him (well, more like complaining) about the amount of essay that I have to write.

Win: Eh, I just handed in my 5th essay last week. If one essay is about 2000 words, I have written almost 10,000 words just for this semester!!!! And there's more to come....
Dad: Well... happy writing.
Win: You know, I might as well start writing some fiction story and turn it into an International best seller, at least I will get paid for doing that.....
Dad: Well, let me know when you do that, I want part of your profit...
Win: =.="

But yea, I have been churning essays non-stop for this entire semester, averaging of one essay every 2 weeks. I feel like a type-writter. This is the point of life where I despise writing, every alphabet I typed out is like cutting into my own flesh, every phrase is sweat and blood. I am no longer writing because I want to, but because I need to. It's like a do or die situation. I am at the point where I have no recollection of what I write the moment I handed my essay in.

You know you did a good job when you feel a sense of liberation after completing something. You also know you have hit dead end, where by after the completion of the assignments the feeling of self-resentment and mockery sinks in. Mine's the later, oh God bless my soul. Yeap, I need a break. 3 more essays, one production unit and 2 exams to go ...

0 shoot me!: