Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Call me a frantic, frustrated female if you will....But i really don't know what to think right now.

I have been cooped up in this room for almost 3 weeks! 3 WEEKS!!! I went out to look for a job, got an interview with Miss Maud, then they call me in for a one day training, what does this normally mean, it means I have already got the job right? RIGHT?! But then, I have not heard from them since, I mean I have been to the training on last last Thursday, then i was told that the shop will be closed on Saturday onwards for 2 weeks. I was also told that I will received a call later on the Thursday to confirm everything.

So, after 2 weeks no call?! Even my housemate have started working, what now? I went all the way down to GC (Garden City) ask for more information, they say they will call me back, waited all day yesterday and today, guess what? No call! I called them again, by this time, I think they will have already think that I am one annoying brat! But, I have got no choice, I dun have that much time to spend on waiting for uncertainty, hold that thought! I have plenty of time, infact I have spend almost one month sitting in this room, moulding, MOULDING!!!!! I need to do something, anything! At least be productive! Trust me, I am going to go crazy if I stay cooped up in this room any longer. Actually, I am going to go hysterical....I am hysterical! Arrgh! I need something, anything!

God, please help me! They always say that when YOU close the door, you will always open a window...Where is my window?!

0 shoot me!: