Sunday, May 4, 2008

Out and about

Ok this post is a bit back..Was suppose to upload these photos since last week, but i have no time, since i was rushing for my assignments only to find out that it's a false alarm..sigh, all those sleepless night for nothing! But then again, it means i have more time now..technically speaking i am suppose to be relieve..Anyways, I'll let the pictures do the talking for themselves.

These are from the boat shows in Fremantle, it was okay till it started raining in the evening, it was sooooo cold and windy, not to mention dark, so these are the only pictures that actually turn out well. I suppose it would look so much better if we went in the morning or the afternoon, but I've got class, so too bad la.

Check out the price wei....It's like my course fee times 10!

This one is the nicest of the lot, even though it doesnt seem so in the pic, cause it's too dark. But seriously i was half hoping to go in for a boat tour. But then, I am not a porspective buyer...only people who are really keen on getting it will actually go in.

Then, from dark and rainy..It's to sunny and 6 degree cold in the morning for Scarborough Beach...Wohoo! The boys are going to surf..where as we the girls are going for a look around.CHeck the beach nice!!!!

In the car, mini breakfast, the guy is Ray btw, eldest of the boys but still two years younger than me...wahaa!

All in all, not too bad for a week's holiday that is meant for study don't you think?!

0 shoot me!: