Monday, April 21, 2008

Four seasons?!

Countries with 4 season really suck...They have three seasons that is cold...I think I should really be grateful that M'sia is a all year round sunny country. I am freezing my a** off, man it's so darn cold. It was 6 degrees this morning, first time breathing smoke (you know what I mean). I am so grateful for the oversized bathrobe now, walking around the house with it is kinda inconvenient, sure the guys thinks i am a lil crazy, who cares as long as I am WARM!!!! MY hands are cold all the time, not that they are not cold back at home, they are colder here. I so wish it's summer, rather be hot than cold. Sigh, but when summer comes I am sure I will be saying something else. Typical~

Guilt ridden man, I know i need to get at least a beanie and a scarf before winter hits, cause if Autumn is like this i DON'T want to think what winter will be like. THe best and warmest place now is between my comforter, in fact i have problem getting out of my bed in the morning, cause outside the comforter is just so damn cold. I think I need to get long socks too, and maybe one more thermal wear just in case....Gulit ridden, i really need to work this Winter or else i dunno where i am gonna find extra cash, feel really bad using my parent's hard earn money. I know I keep saying this, but then you still feel the pain when you are using someone else's money especially when they belonged to your parents. idea some other people do it, can go out so often and feast on good food. Raisin toast here is 5 bucks man, what the hell do they put inside the toast la, i mean it's just raisin, bread and butter, 5 bucks?! So ex wei.....

Oh well, technically speaking i am suppose to be doing my case study reflection no idea how i ended up here. OMG, my lecturer can so tell I am a blogger by the way I write, does it show. Thank God that was only a random piece she wants..But I got pretty good marks for that one, so I guess I should be grateful. Not doing so well in Drama though. I never thought I would actually find a subject harder than Maths...surprising!

Ok, I really need to continue my reflection edi, at least i got it started. Will upload the boat pics and the beach pics later when I really have nothing else to do. One week of hliday, my foot la. I need at least 2 weeks!

0 shoot me!: