Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bon Voyage....

How time flies, I know this is sounded so cliche, but seriously I have been here for more than a month now...How can you say that time hasn't fly. I am getting use to the lifestyle here, but so far nothing much that is interesting happen to me, except i have some pretty crazy housemates...Oh wait, i said that during my previous mail.

Went to watch QE2's last voyage, QE2 = Queen Elizabeth 2. To be honest i wasn't very hyped up about it, but Auntie Jillian is. We went all the way down to Frematle's Port to view the ship...In the evening, Aunty Jillian took us on anither trip into Fremantle so that we could view the ship set sail to it's next destination, Singapore.

The waiting session turns out to be a picnic with a few cam-whoring session, and some how i got involve. But the view is really nice, would have waited for sun set if it weren't for the breeze, cause it was getting pretty chilly and windy.

I actually quite like this one, feels like I am strolling in Paris or something.

Auntie Jillian, Win,Poh Poh, TY

TY, Auntie Jillian, Poh Poh, Win

Pic of the Day:

QE2 sailing into the sunset..Woot! I had fun!

0 shoot me!: