I hated dentist appointments, no other words. I dun like it when they ask you to take a seat, i dun like looking into a dentist's eyes. I dun like it when they lower you down on the chair and shine that oh-so-bright light to your face; hence making you close you eyes. I dun like them when they ask you to open up your mouth, just so they could put foreign objects into your mouth one after the other, each looking more menacing than the other. I dun like listening to all those drilling and sucking noises. i especially hate the needles, who needs needles that BIG!
There is nothing more i hate when they all they ever say to you is "a little bit wider please." or "bigger, open wider." Seriously, do i look like a python to you? Do i look like i can open my mouth so big that i can swallow a whole chicken? And when u don't open your mouth, they stretch it wider, there were times when i am amaze at the stretching ability of my mouth. I also hate when they stuck the wrong tools at the wrong place of my mouth, even when its already full. And did i mention those huge cotton balls, sometimes the dentist would push it to the back of my throat, it almost made me wanted to gag! The sad thing is you cant tell them, not when all your mouth is full, even if you manage to make any audible noise out of all the drilling and sucking noises, i dun thing the message would be comprehendible....
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