Sunday, August 26, 2007

The new disease...

There has been a new kind of syndrome spreading like wild fire among the teeneagers today. This syndrome is none other than the LSP syndrome; a highly contagious disease.This disease has become more and more serious through out the years, since it attacks its victims mentally. Be warn that this disease does not only attack the teenagers but adults too. My brothers have been the most unfortunate victims of this disease.

However, this disease is not current and has been among us for quite sometime, it's just that we hardly take notice of it due to the fact, we would normally ignore the sufferers. There are a few ways to identify wether this sickeness has caught up with you or your family members. The common symptoms are, speech, hearing and behaviour changes. If you notice any changes of these in your family members they might have contracted this disease. Unfortunatly, no cure has been discover yet, but rest assure that this sickness is not fatal and won't do any lasting physical damage.

Oh, btw LSP stands for Lame, Sad & Pathetic.

2 shoot me!:

Anonymous said...

You have that disease!! LOL.
I'm so proud, i made my first banner!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Very funny, liz!